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Topic Usage Over Time:

Display: Smoothing period: days
Topic usage by elites: 1.18% all, 0.23% Senate Democrats, 1.95% Senate Republicans, 0.18% House Democrats, 2.35% House Republicans.
Top Members of Congress: @RepReneeEllmers (R-NC), @RepJoePitts (R-PA), @SenJohnBarrasso (R-WY), @SteveScalise (R-LA), @RepPhilGingrey (R-GA)
Topic usage by media and public: 0.70% Media, 0.08% informed public, 0.05% random users, 0.19% Democratic supporters, 0.80% Republican supporters.

Sample of representative tweets by Members of Congress:

Experiencing rising premiums, higher deductibles b/c of #Obamacare? Share #YourStory here: http://t.co/zRl1uqEaIN #stickershock

SaxbyChambliss (@SaxbyChambliss)

.@NBCNews reports Obama Admin knew 40-67% would lose current plans because of #Obamacare despite repeated promises. http://t.co/tRGe4kgEza

RepShimkus (@RepShimkus)

What happened to “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” Mr. President? http://t.co/mL3ZXj2COC #Obamacare

RepGusBilirakis (@RepGusBilirakis)

WH: 'It's True' Some Americans Won't Be Able to Keep Their Health Care Plan Under #Obamacare http://t.co/CkM2DEO4cc

replouiegohmert (@replouiegohmert)

What happened to if "you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan"? http://t.co/zzTVBcYg0G #ObamaCare

RepMarthaRoby (@RepMarthaRoby)

#Obamacare Promises made: http://t.co/IH3CC8VK0n Promises broken - NBC News: Obama admin knew millions could not keep their health insurance

TomLatham (@TomLatham)

Sample of representative media tweets:

“I had great cancer doctors and health insurance. My plan was canceled. Now I worry how long I’ll live.” http://t.co/UKmexo9BQj

theblaze (@theblaze)

Bill Clinton urged Obama to allow Americans to keep their current health insurance plans http://t.co/d4Hlu5Kek5

nytimes (@nytimes)

#Breaking: At least 7.5 million Americans have chosen insurance plans through the Obamacare exchanges, says HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

politico (@politico)

The health insurance lobby said reversing the health plan cancellations under Obamacare will destabilize the market. http://t.co/prRTIYnbsc

politico (@politico)

Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance http://t.co/v0lq38eJqi

NBCNews (@NBCNews)

NBC News: Obama admin. knew millions wouldn't be able to keep their health insurance for at least 3 years http://t.co/gPAE6VuYX8

theblaze (@theblaze)