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Topic Usage Over Time:

Display: Smoothing period: days
Topic usage by elites: 0.53% all, 0.78% Senate Democrats, 0.31% Senate Republicans, 0.77% House Democrats, 0.24% House Republicans.
Top Members of Congress: @RepDelBene (D-WA), @RepJimMatheson (D-UT), @RepTierney (D-MA), @USRepMikeDoyle (D-PA), @RepJoeCourtney (D-CT)
Topic usage by media and public: 0.27% Media, 0.07% informed public, 0.03% random users, 0.21% Democratic supporters, 0.05% Republican supporters.

Sample of representative tweets by Members of Congress:

Congress failed to act & on July 1, student loan rates doubled. Tweet, call, email Congress & to say #DontDoubleMyRate

SenBlumenthal (@SenBlumenthal)

In 26 days student loan rates double to 6.8%, when is GOP going to join Dems in keeping college in reach for every student #DontDoubleMyRate

janschakowsky (@janschakowsky)

RT @RepRonBarber: If Congress fails to act by July 1st, student loan interest rates will double, putting college out of reach for millions.…

RepGaramendi (@RepGaramendi)

Congress must act to prevent student loan rates from doubling on 7/1 so we can keep college affordable for every student. #DontDoubleMyRate

NancyPelosi (@NancyPelosi)

GOP has 18 days to keep college affordable for students, if congress fails to act student loan interest rates will double #DontDoubleMyRate

GregoryMeeks (@GregoryMeeks)

In 5 days, Stafford Student Loan Rates will double. Congress must act now to prevent this rate hike #DontDoubleMyRate http://t.co/KUc50xgYoj

RepGaramendi (@RepGaramendi)

Sample of representative media tweets:

RT @kasie: No more Senate votes this month. That means student loan rates will double on July 1. #senate

msnbc (@msnbc)

Student loan interest rates doubled July 1. Here's what the student loan debt crisis looks like in 9 charts: http://t.co/UXdmFjRu1U

MotherJones (@MotherJones)

Student loan interest rates double July 1. Here's what the student loan debt crisis looks like in 9 charts:http://t.co/sj4tIoRBnT

MotherJones (@MotherJones)

Student loan interest rates will DOUBLE tomorrow. Here's what the student loan debt crisis looks like in charts: http://t.co/Bm6fhfLfqH

MotherJones (@MotherJones)

A deal to prevent student loan interest rates from doubling could fall apart http://t.co/ASTi9HAK5U

YahooNews (@YahooNews)

Student loan interest rates double July 1. The US student loan debt crisis in charts: http://t.co/bSgtPChN6C http://t.co/yaxySLxHCA

MotherJones (@MotherJones)