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Topic Usage Over Time:

Display: Smoothing period: days
Topic usage by elites: 0.59% all, 0.75% Senate Democrats, 0.20% Senate Republicans, 1.32% House Democrats, 0.09% House Republicans.
Top Members of Congress: @janschakowsky (D-IL), @keithellison (D-MN), @JuliaBrownley26 (D-CA), @SenatorHarkin (D-IA), @askgeorge (D-CA)
Topic usage by media and public: 0.52% Media, 0.07% informed public, 0.02% random users, 0.55% Democratic supporters, 0.14% Republican supporters.

Sample of representative tweets by Members of Congress:

Close to 2/3 of min wage workers are women. #RaiseTheWage will help nearly 15 million women & thousands in #MA.

MarkeyMemo (@MarkeyMemo)

Today is the 75th anniversary of the minimum wage – it’s time to #raisethewage again to help millions of Americans earn a living.

SenatorHarkin (@SenatorHarkin)

RT @WhiteHouse: RT if you agree: Nobody who works full-time should live in poverty. It's time to raise the federal minimum wage. http://t.c…

RepTierney (@RepTierney)

In marking 75 years of Fair Labor Standards Act, Congress must raise minimum wage so all workers get a fair day's pay for a fair day's work.

NancyPelosi (@NancyPelosi)

We need to respect workers and pass Fair Minimum Wage Act. Long past time to raise minimum wage to $10.10 #RaiseTheWage

rosadelauro (@rosadelauro)

RT @RepCheri: Nearly 2/3 of minimum wage workers are women. Raising min wage would help millions of working moms #WhatMothersNeed http://t.…

RepTierney (@RepTierney)

Sample of representative media tweets:

Seattle's $15/hr minimum wage increase will be more than double the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hr. http://t.co/5a2aZvuxHr

NBCNews (@NBCNews)

How to raise nearly 5 million people out of poverty? Just raise the minimum wage to $10.10 http://t.co/X0tkdTCwca

thinkprogress (@thinkprogress)

Raising the minimum wage to $10.10/hour could lift millions out of poverty! #edshow Sat/Sun 5pET on @msnbc! #video http://t.co/KciPMsJszk

edshow (@edshow)

The GOP just a filibustered a bill to raise the minimum wage to $10.10. Reminder: The minimum wage is pretty damn low http://t.co/Iku2mWtQPC

MotherJones (@MotherJones)

Restaurant workers are 3 times more likely to live below the poverty line than other Americans. Time for a raise http://t.co/3Z9ixR65Tq

GuardianUS (@GuardianUS)

Raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 could increase the pay of 27.8 million working Americans http://t.co/RB0xaCzV5p

msnbc (@msnbc)