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Topic Usage Over Time:

Display: Smoothing period: days
Topic usage by elites: 9.13% all, 34.63% Senate Democrats, 1.15% Senate Republicans, 0.49% House Democrats, 0.23% House Republicans.
Top Members of Congress: @SenatorTomUdall (D-NM), @SenRockefeller (D-WV), @CantwellPress (D-WA), @SenatorHeitkamp (D-ND), @MarkUdall (D-CO)
Topic usage by media and public: 0.48% Media, 0.21% informed public, 0.42% random users, 1.61% Democratic supporters, 0.07% Republican supporters.

Sample of representative tweets by Members of Congress:

Pls join me & @HollandTaylor for our #offthesidelines book club chat on April 8th to discuss @AnnRichardsPlay. RSVP: http://t.co/8VDlVf28Jl

SenGillibrand (@SenGillibrand)

You can still join #offthesidelines book club chat on 4/8 w/me & @HollandTaylor to discuss @AnnRichardsPlay. Pls RT http://t.co/Nki6Hp6P3l

SenGillibrand (@SenGillibrand)

Sens. Stabenow, @SenCarlLevin Announce Job Training Support for Homeless Vets, Vets w/ Families in SE MI http://t.co/svk1pvq8z2

StabenowPress (@StabenowPress)

Proud to annce new #offthesidelines book club pick: @AnnRichardsPlay. Join me for online chat w/@HollandTaylor on 4/8 http://t.co/8VDlVf28Jl

SenGillibrand (@SenGillibrand)

Good news: #RI wins $10M TIGER grant for Apponaug Circulator in #Warwick thx to @LincolnChafee @SenWhitehouse @jimlangevin @RIDOTNews

SenJackReed (@SenJackReed)

Traveling thru #NY today w/@SBAgov admin Karen Mills to meet local biz & econ development leaders to discuss how SBA can help NY businesses.

SenGillibrand (@SenGillibrand)

Sample of representative media tweets:

Sen. Claire McCaskill wants to know what colleges do (or don't do) in response to reports of rape and sexual assault: http://t.co/YPesC9n70e

Slate (@Slate)

After chemical spill contaminates water for 300,000 West Virginians, Boehner says no new regulations needed http://t.co/xZQ3sMc0Vt

thinkprogress (@thinkprogress)

The IPCC released a report today on the impacts of global warming. Read @ElizKolbert's piece on an early leaked draft http://t.co/UZ3uv2y8fn

NewYorker (@NewYorker)

How to spot the signs of mental illness in kids and ask for help http://t.co/IteKEGMotu #AskForHelp


Moderate Sen. McCaskill (@clairecmc) comes out in support of gay marriage http://t.co/K2n8jm0yLq #LGBTQ #LGBT

msnbc (@msnbc)

Sen. Claire McCaskill wants to know what colleges do (or don't do) in response to reports of rape and sexual assault: http://t.co/k6dYAkmHcX

Slate (@Slate)